New Book: The Sacred Meaning of Everyday Work

I am happy to say that after lots of research, discussion, writing, and editing, The Sacred Meaning of Everyday Work is now available on Amazon. Thank you to everyone who has provided advice and insight over the years. The book covers a range of topics, but the...

When Callings Become Burdensome

An acquaintance made a very interesting observation. He said that finding a calling has become a serious problem for many people his age (late 20’s), but not in the way that I had expected. His contention was that there has been so much emphasis, especially...
Michael Novak, 1933-2017

Michael Novak, 1933-2017

I received the sad news that Michael Novak died Thursday. Novak was an outstanding scholar and the author of numerous books, among them The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism and Business as a Calling:Work and the Examined Life. He was also a kind, thoughtful person and...
Ralph Waldo Emerson on Vocation

Ralph Waldo Emerson on Vocation

From a sermon preached by Ralph Waldo Emerson at the Second Church, Boston, October 21, 1832: How many men now regard their business as so much interruption, as so much injury to their religious life? Their religious character is something separate from their daily...
Passion and Our Work

Passion and Our Work

When is passion for our work positive? And when is it negative? When is passion for our work positive? And when is it negative? We sometimes hear that we should “follow our passion.” But what happens when we actually do have a passion for our work—or maybe some other...