We help people (including ourselves) find sources of purpose, strength, and wisdom for their work lives by tapping into the deep personal resources of their own faith or spirituality.


This can involve exploring the connections between the practical and spiritual aspects of their work, engaging helpful spiritual practices that fit within their busy workday, and considering possible insights from the Bible and other sources.

Let’s Talk:

By Email: mail@faithandenterprise.org

By Telephone or Zoom: set appointment

The Center for Faith and Enterprise


We help people (including ourselves) find sources of strength, purpose, and wisdom in their work lives by tapping into the deep personal resources of their own faith or spirituality.

This can involve exploring the connections between the practical and spiritual aspects of their work, engaging spiritual practices that fit within their busy workday, and considering possible insights from the Bible and other sources.

Let’s Talk:

By Email: mail@faithandenterprise.org

By Telephone or Zoom: set appointment

New Book:

The Sacred Meaning of Everyday Work

By Robert H. Tribken

Your faith or spirituality can help you develop a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in your work and deal with your challenges and opportunities with wisdom, strength, and courage.

More Information 

New Book:

The Sacred Meaning of Everyday Work

By Robert H. Tribken

Your faith or spirituality can help you develop a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in your work and deal with your challenges and opportunities with wisdom, strength, and courage.

More Information 


Building Productive Working Relationships: The Role of Personal Values

Happy business woman on phone
Liberate the Human Spirit! Some Workplaces Seem To Crush the Human Spirit

Sam Alibrando speakingWork Life Forum: Dr. Sam Alibrando Offers Advice on How to Work with Difficult People

Dr. Scott Symington speaking on stressWork Life Forum: Dr. Scott Symington on How We Can Find  Freedom from Anxious Thoughts and Feelings (From His New book)

man praying at nightJesus Prays by Himself at Night (Mark 1:35-39): Prayer Can Help Us Develop a Deeper Sense of Mission

Busy Woman under pressure in officeChronic Time Pressure: When There Are Not Enough Hours In the Day To Do Everything You Need To Do

The Power of Integrity in Your Work Life: The Story of Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife

Peter Hill speaking on Humility and Work Life ForumWork Life Forum: Dr. Peter Hill on The Power of Humility in the Workplace: When Does It Help? When Does It Hurt?


When Is Passion for Our Work Positive? When Is It Negative? A Review of Robert Vallerand’s Book on the Two Types of Passion

Work-Related Burnout: What Can We Do About It? The Story of Elijah in the Wilderness

The Revival of 1857/58 and the Fulton Street Prayer Meetings—Are There Lessons for Today’s Church?

Entering the State of Flow: Is There a Spiritual Connection? Can Your Spiritual Practices Help?

Michael Novak photoMichael Novak Speaks on Business as a Calling, from Our Archives

Why Work? A Response to Dorothy Sayers’ Famous Essay


Entrepreneurs and the Renewal of Hope. Based on the Research of CR Snyder Regarding Active Hope

Preparing Leaders for Crisis: Is There a Role for Religious Institutions?

Join us as we seek spiritual renewal in the workplace.

The time has come for spiritual renewal in our work lives and in the workplace. 

If you agree, then we invite you to participate with us. One way to start is to join our mailing list to receive occasional updates (less than one per week and you can unsubscribe at any time) about new events, programs, and material. You can forward these updates to others who might benefit from them.

We would also appreciate receiving your comments and advice as we move forward. We can be reached by email at mail@faithandenterprise.org

Thank you!

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I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.

John 10:10 (NRSV)