Freedom from Anxious Thoughts and Feelings: A Two-Step Mindfulness Approach for Moving Beyond Fear and Worry
Dr. Scott Symington previewed his forthcoming new book Freedom from Anxious Thoughts and Feelings: A Two-Step Mindfulness Approach for Moving Beyond Fear and Worry. He discussed specific steps that can help us break free from our worries, address the challenges we face more effectively, and live more fully. Along the way he presented a ground breaking new tool called the Two Screen Method.
Most of us are prone to worry. We have real problems that require our attention; there are times when we need to engage in serious problem solving. But for most of us, there are also times when we slip from problem solving into useless, unproductive worrying. Dr. Symington’s presentation was designed to help us spot the shift from productive problem solving to worry early, when it is easier to do something about it, and to provide us with tools to help us let go of the worries and turn our attention towards the more life-giving aspects of our lives.
Dr. Symington’s book is available from Amazon.
The presentation took place at La Cañada Presbyterian Church on the evening of January 28; 199 people attended.

About the Speaker
Dr. Scott Symington is a clinical psychologist and well-known expert in the treatment of anxiety disorders. He has published scholarly articles in Social Neuroscience, Journal of Psychology & Christianity, and Current Issues in Education, and is a popular speaker. Prior to becoming a clinical psychologist, he had a successful career in the food industry; this gave him a special appreciation for the issues faced by people in their work lives.

The Work Life Forum is a speaker and discussion series designed to help people deal with their serious work issues and to do so in a way that is consistent with their own faith or spirituality. Each event deals with a serious work-related issue and includes a presentation by an expert on the subject as well as an opportunity for informal discussion. The events are free and open to everyone — you will be welcome.
Your work can have important effects on your well-being, even beyond the income it provides. It can provide an opportunity to pursue personal growth and development, build community, contribute to society, and discover a sense of purpose. But work can also be a source of stress, burnout, boredom, and interpersonal conflict. The Work Life Forum can help you deal with both the positive and negative aspects of your work life.
The program is presented and hosted by La Cañada Presbyterian Church and organized and sponsored by the Center for Faith and Enterprise. Events are held at La Cañada Presbyterian Church, 626 Foothill Blvd., La Cañada, CA 91011 (near Pasadena). To receive updates: